Title: Why do pedestrians keep getting hit by Coach USA and NJ Transit bus driver? Topic: Justice For NJ Transit and Coach USA victims I did my research on this matter. The major point is that the drivers being employed by NJ transit and Coach USA are unqualified ones. NJ Transit is a top-notch, smoothly operating transit provider. Up until the last seven years, it upheld its mission statement that "safety is their first concern and safety is our first priority". There has been a steady drop since then. New Jersey Transit is now facing a problem. Throughout previous Governor Chris Christie's administration, the mortality and injury rate rose, and it has continued under current Governor Phil Murphy's government. As New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine took office at the end of 2008, NJ Transit's regard for human life waned. Chris Christie, a previous governor, removed NJ Transit from the state as soon as he gained office. He placed it in the governor's hands. H...