What Justifies Impounding a Vehicle without a Warrant in NJ? Reasons for Police Impounding an Automobile Countless automobile impoundments occur on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis in New Jersey, with many reasons that legally justify these seizures by the police. For instance, if a vehicle’s conditions or its parking location presents a public danger, it may be impounded. Also, if the automobile is unregistered, uninsured, or the current driver has a suspended or revoke licensed, these reasons apply to valid police impounding. Further, a driver who gets arrested for a DWI offense will certainly have their car towed. Other circumstances justifying a vehicle’s impoundment include if the car is blocking the flow of traffic because it is disabled, abandoned, or left unattended. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, a vehicle may be impounded if it contains evidence of potential crime, a crime in progress, or a crime that already occurred. State v. Washington In the cas...